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Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Cancer is a Symptom
Andrew Hague

Professor of Advanced Medicine, Cell Sonic Limited, UAE

Correspondence to Author: Andrew Hague

Cancer and most chronic illnesses are symptoms of emotional trauma caused by a failed health care system with poisons from smoke, drink, chemicals and industrial food. This is now getting worse with the added danger of electrical fields invading an electrically sensitive creature bombarded with disruptive messages to a mind confused by lack of face-to-face conversations. This study will investigate the many causes of chronic disease for without knowing the causes, cures are not possible.

2. Introduction

There are three branches of medicine: biochemistry, psychology and biophysics. All three have been deployed since homo sapiens evolved. The chemical constituents of our bodies came from food hunted and gathered, later farmed. The psychology was managed by conversations with tribal members and the biophysics was an automatic response to an existence under the 7.83 hertz resonance beamed to earth from the stratosphere since the earth formed as a planet and its daily rotation created the day-night routine of life. This equilibrium was disrupted by the greed of Rockefeller and Carnegie who had monopolised energy in the USA and used their riches to lobby and bribe egotistical politicians to ban herbal remedies in favour of factory produced drugs. Doctors had to be educated according to pharmaceutical rules. All medical research was drug oriented. Cancer cells were and still are studied through a microscope to find a weakness that can be attacked by a poison. In countries such as Britain [used to be Great Britain and now known as UK], advertising a cure for cancer is illegal unless it recommends chemotherapy.

The advertising is policed by the Advertising Standards Agency who threaten anyone and any clinic offering help with cancer. The British 1939 Cancer Act is responsible for millions of deaths. Charities such as Cancer Research UK take fortunes off well-meaning people by promising to find a cure for cancer but they never do. Cancer is the biggest scam in history. On 10thJanuary 2018 at York University in England, I told the Chanceller of the University who was the Chairman of the National Health Service in Britain, the monopoly medical supplier and a government owned business, that Cell Sonic is now curing cancer. He was not interested and directed me to Bradford University where we already had research into diagnostics. His disinterest was typical of the establishment. The chief executive of Weston Park cancer hospital in Sheffield, an hour away from York, refused to visit us at Bradford to learn what we were doing. Bradford University then shut down their medical engineering department. Their vice chancellor had been the vice chancellor at York University. Cancer continues to kill in Britain and around the world because people who claim to want to prevent deaths refuse to help patients. They only know biochemistry and its dependence on chemotherapy.

3. The White Coats

The white coat syndrome is guiding patients in the wrong direction. Oncologists know they have a 2% success rate with chemotherapy and still they refuse to recognise the electrical properties of cells saying, when a patient fails, that they did not respond to the treatment. They will also tell a patient when to expect to die and the patient usually passes as predicted. Talking like that to a patient should be illegal.

Ignorance in the health services starts in medical schools and runs through the administration and most doctors. There are some who have questioned what they were taught and struggle with leaving a well-paid job and opening a private clinic. Doctors can be brave. There are wonderful reports of them going to disaster areas and war zones but when it comes to being self-employed they hesitate. Such is the power of commitment to a middle-class lifestyle.

4. Cell Replication

Cancer is inevitable. Body cells normally replicate every six weeks. There are billions of them so that every day some cells will not be exact copies of what was there before and be different. They are mutations. In a healthy person who sleeps soundly at night, the wrong cells are found and eliminated by the immune system so that the person starts the next day clean. If the person is anxious, their immune system is disturbed and may miss the mutant cells that will be left to multiply profusely. That is how cancer starts. The anxiety is in the mind. The brain is the hardware. The mind is the software. When the wrong programme is running, the person is not healthy. The result can be cancer or it could be any other chronic disease such as diabetes, persistent pain, multiple sclerosis, brain diseases and many more which in a healthy person in normal times will be corrected by the immune system. Humans like most animals will heal themselves. We have only existed for about 80,000 years and still have cell replication. Longer existing species such as ants and sharks do not need to replicate cells. Their bodies are stable. Even in humans, stabilisation is coming and heart cancer is rare. The problem we face now is a lifestyle managed by companies and governments that cause disease and, worse than that, prevent chronic disease being cured. Cancer is easy to cure but that would deprive the pharmaceutical companies of half their profits that come from the sale of chemotherapy, a drug used by the Nazis to kill prisoners in concentration camps. It is banned in warfare but the health ministry’s buy it by the ton.

4. Cell Voltage

To stop cancer, the voltage of a cell has to be lifted from 10 mv to 75 mv. This takes about one minute with a Cell Sonic machine. If Britain did this, the government would save £15 billion a year. If they checked everyone every six months to find cancer and other chronic diseases before a person knows they have them, the saving would be £30 billion a year. All efforts by Cell Sonic to tell the government have failed. Private clinics get the message and so do patients but the bureaucrats and oncologists are deaf. This blockage is not just in Britain, it is in all countries where regulators think their duty is to protect their people so they only allow drugs, with side effects, to be prescribed. Who controls the regulators? Follow the money. A diagnose and cure check-up for cancer takes twenty minutes. This is described in the Sapiens Shield plan I made five years ago. It works and there is no more development needed.

5. The Mind

The disruption to the immune system is to the mind. Stopping cancer first requires the voltage correction from Cell Sonic. Then the anxiety has to be banished. The only way is conversation. Anti-depressants damage the brain, often permanently and surgery is impossible. To discuss with a patient their emotional trauma, a medical intuitive is the best person to help. They will have an insight into the person’s worries and show them that the past is behind them. No large-scale healthcare system in any country understands this and their psychiatrists only prescribe drugs to inhibit behaviour thus depriving a person of any hope to get back to a normal life. Their method is still one of pushing drugs. It is now common knowledge that when a person gets into their sixties, they have a collection of pills and medicines at their bedside to take every night. They never get better. If those drugs are not available, panic ensues. The white coats have the power.

Since smart phones entered our lives, stress has increased. There are two angles: the microwaves transmitting the signals to the phones and the content of the messages received. Research at Bradford University by Professor Raed A. Abd-Alhameed proved that six minutes is the maximum time a phone can be held to an ear before the brain is cooked. Many people now use ear phones to keep the phone away from their head. Yesterday I was talking with a lady in Canada who specialises in female reproduction and finds that infertility has increased in recent years. She blames phones in the pocket. She says it is the same for male fertility. Sperm count is way down on what it was a few years ago. As 5G is installed, we will be unable to escape microwaves in the street.

We have all seen smart phones glued to peoples’ hands. They walk across busy roads looking only at the screen. I am sure they are reading nonsense. Their expectations of life are being shredded. The grass is greener at the other side. Discontent is generated. This is more than the anger a cult leader may cultivate amongst followers. It is telling a person that because they have not made a million dollars by the age of 23 they are a failure. Women are too fat. Men do not have big enough muscles. Then they get drunk, take drugs, try to escape and life goes to hell. A bigger threat is coming over the horizon. AI (artificial intelligence) is expected to write codes, legal texts and advice that will lead to nuclear weapons being launched. Enough to stop the immune system cleaning our bodies of mutant cells? Whether AI will actually do this is not the immediate problem. It causes anxiety and that leads to chronic disease.

6. Toxins

Toxicity is the cause of chronic disease. Toxins are chemicals such as nicotine, alcohol, all drugs (pharmaceutical and narcotic), chemicals in packaging and industry, air pollution and emissions from vehicles, machines and fires. Most processed food is toxic. It has to be to stop decomposition before it gets from the factory to the mouth. Preservatives preserve the food, not the consumer. A chemical that I consider dangerous but no one else does is caffeine. It is addictive. Most people cannot start the day without coffee. I find no medical studies on the dangers of coffee. Like wine, there are many studies showing benefits such as preventing heart attacks. My view is always to follow the money and question the benefit of anything that bends the mind. Alcohol and coffee comes to you from very rich companies. Medical researchers welcome sponsorship. Is there a university that refuses a corporate sponsor? Who pays the piper calls the tune. All the money I have put into Cell Sonic, I earned from property development. I do not answer to anyone. I have ridden a bicycle almost every day for 70 years. I do not take medicines. The last time I felt ill was when I had another Pfizer covid vaccine booster and I am not having another. Add another rule to the list; if the government is involved, beware. Governments own covid and still the WHO lacks the courage to tell the truth about the virus being made in a laboratory in Wuhan to demonstrate where evolution could develop. They never found the animal that transferred the virus to humans through the market and they never will because the covid virus is not natural. Note also that despite all the vaccines to provide immunity to covid, there were no cures for covid from the pharmaceutical companies. Cell Sonic has successfully treated covid patients without drugs. Governments were told and again were deaf.

A toxin more dangerous than a chemical is a nasty person, especially someone from whom there is no escape. I get reports from Cell Sonic clinics around the world. A patient treated for cancer does not leave the clinic until the tests show that all cancers have been stopped. When a customer buys a Cell Sonic machine, they are taught how to diagnose for chronic disease. Many of them are already using the technique. It costs about $15 and patients can learn to do it for themselves. Blood tests and scans are useless. So when a patient returns two weeks later and is found to have cancer, what has happened? Our insight came when patients known to want to die, repeatedly became cancerous. It was all in the mind. I feel sure now, having learned more, we could have been firmer with those patients and rescued them from what was slow suicide. They did not want to be responsible for their own death. We gathered the life story, saw the emotional trauma and understood the patient wanting an end to life. But the patient was wrong. Although they had been a victim, there was a way forward but we did not have enough hold on their mind to show them that they are loved.

The cancer in many patients is symptomatic of toxic relationships. Divorce causes cancer. So does bereavement. Even parents cause cancer. In one case I know well, the man was born with cancer. His mother could only be understood by looking at her mother. The rot went back three generations. To break the line we would have had to grab the patient, rehouse them, brainwash them and do all the things which are morally incorrect.

7. The power to prevent death

This is where cancer, chronic disease and crime has a common source. No one is born a criminal. They come from dysfunctional families. The Sapiens Shield plan finds those sources and handled carefully will open doors because they know they need help. One ill person requires a hundred times more attention that a healthy person. No pill or injection can put happiness into a down-trod person. For them, every traffic light is red. Reading their mind can only be done by a medical intuitive. The police and prisons are useless. Laws assume that threats control behaviour. Human history proves that threats generate more anger. Cell Sonic has the power to prevent death. Has the finger pressing the button on a Cell Sonic machine the same power as the finger that presses the start button of a nuclear bomb? Was penicillin more beneficial to humanity than the devastation of Hiroshima?

News is always bad. Is it the journalists who select bad news or people wanting horror? It seems to be in the late teens that fairy stories give way to mockery, humiliation and mutilation. Every day, good is done and is never reported. Murders are always news. Journalists could do a lot to stop attacking those trying to do good. I know of a notorious case in Canada where a smug journalist continued an attack more than thirty years after the man went bankrupt. I spoke to that journalist and offered to teach her but she was not interested, another example of toxicity.

8. Education

Education causes stress and stress causes cancer. Even the top of the class is told to do better. Whatever you do at school, college or university is never good enough. The stress affects the teachers as much as the students. Society believes that progress comes from education without understanding what progress is. There is a notion that idleness is better than work and that nature is not as clever as human ingenuity. Using muscles is working class and old fashioned. As well as wanting to kill each other, humans want to show that they are faster, stronger, noisier and more extrovert than others. Racing is entertainment that has promoted role models. Going faster is how we all have to be. Was there ever a competition to find the person who most enjoyed the sound of birds singing in spring time? Pursuit of superiority causes distress. Be careful instructing children. Their minds are open and will believe what they are told. Scepticism sets in after puberty. Adults have a different sense of humour to children.

9. Diet

Search online for the causes and remedies of cancer and chronic disease and you will get a torrent about diet. The acid-alkali balance in the stomach is vital. Either meat is toxic or meat is necessary for protein. Vegan is healthy or vegans must take supplements to compensate for lack of minerals. The fact is that humans can eat almost anything and the body’s stomach bacteria adjust to extract the energy and nutrients. Compare and contrast, as the exam questions used to be at school, the diet of the Inuit in northern Canada with the fast runners of east Africa. They are completely different. The fat eating, Inuit endomorph resisting freezing temperatures has a different body shape and dietary requirement to the ectomorph runner carrying no excess weight and eating protein, traditionally cattle blood and fermented milk.

The body is self-regulating. For example, intravenous vitamin C is claimed to cure cancer but an excess of vitamin C is rejected. Too much salt is flushed by quenching a thirst. The balance is automatic if the body is active. When idle, the body cannot adjust by directing the taste buds to select the right food.

10. Nerve repair

The ability of biophysics to heal goes beyond cancer and diabetes. Cell Sonic is all the forces of biophysics in one package. It is intrinsically safe. For forty years, urologists in almost every hospital in the world have shattered kidney stones with pressure pulses ten times more powerful than Cell Sonic and there have never been any side effects. This safety factor has allowed therapists to try Cell Sonic in new areas. Where a discovery has been made, usually when a contra-indication has been disobeyed, we get a breakthrough. One firm rule was to not aim into the eye. One determined lady with cancer on her eye lid, grabbed the shock head from the therapist and aimed into her eye. The cancer was stopped and the next day she could see better through the treated eye than the untreated eye. The cataract had gone. Likewise, never aim into the ear. Tinnitus torments many people. They hear a persistent ringing but the eardrum is not moving. That tells us that the nerve connecting the ear to the brain is damaged. From years of healing diabetic ulcers with fresh, sensitive skin, we know that Cell Sonic repairs nerves and so it is with tinnitus by treating the back of the head just below the ear, the nerve is steadily repaired. Time must be allowed for stem cells to form into nerve cells and to grow new tissue.

The ultimate is severed spinal cord. Many injuries affect horse riders thrown from a horse and landing on their back snapping the spinal cord. Cell Sonic is applied to their spine, hips and backs of legs. It may take two or three months until the nerves repair and send instructions to the muscles which by then are withered but can be coaxed back to tension. On a tour of Cell Sonic clinics in India, I was introduced to an 18-year-old girl who had been injured four years earlier. She still had callipers on her legs and could wriggle her toes. The nerves were working again and the muscles would gather strength. Cell Sonic had restored her life. I asked if she could now tell when she needed to go to the toilet. She beamed me a smile. At last she had met someone who knew what had been her main problem, lack of dignity. It was at that same clinic in Hyderabad that I was introduced to a lady whose kidney had been healed and she was now off dialysis and a cancer patient who was cured. I think it was the breast. The treatments were very successful and then the clinic closed. That’s another story. Everyone wants medical breakthroughs, don’t they? Follow the money.

11. The Hidden Fist

Civilisation should be better than a primitive society with rudimentary technology but as far as health care is concerned, advanced economies are proving harmful with the most dangerous effect being, what I call, a hidden fist. One blow will not cause cancer but the hits are multiple, relentless and accumulative causing stress that causes cancer. These attacks have increased in recent years. Every tool ever invented can be used as a weapon. A kitchen has more potential weapons than a workshop. The simple camera lauded for showing that when a horse gallops it has all four hooves off the ground has now become the preferred weapon against us. Governments, big companies and bureaucrats see people as the enemy. Protecting people is not now the objective. Take their money, threaten them and however obedient they try to be, catch them out so that they tremble to just walk down the street. From scanning a car number plate to facial recognition, freedom has become fantasy and the hidden fist never stops. Hidden away are awful people smugly telling themselves they are legally controlling behaviour when actually they are generating stress on a scale never before experienced in any society. The increase in cancer is symptomatic of a rotten society where no one is free ever again.

Understand the difference between challenge and stress. We see this in warfare. Fighting is a challenge with horrendous injuries. Stress affects those who are powerless to escape the dangers. Fighting is action. War is less likely to lead to chronic disease for the combatants although they can suffer from hallucinations and mental breakdowns but the disruption to the immune system is not the same as in a depressed person who feels trapped. During the second world war in Britain, for six years when food was rationed there were no cases of diabetes reported.

Cancer is a symptom of ignorance by almost everyone. In many cases, especially amongst educated health professionals their ignorance comes from refusing to learn even when the information is available. Regulators similarly wear blinkers and prefer to be bossed around by fee-paying pharmaceutical companies. The victims are patients who are duped by the white coats and when they tell the patient when they will die, the patient does die. Fortunately some patients have become suspicious of doctors, often prompted by the covid scandal, and seek out a cure using the Cell Sonic machine. Even before getting Cell Sonic treatment they are often on a nutritious diet and following a healthy regime. With Cell Sonic switching the polarity of cells, they are quickly on the road to recovery. Meanwhile, the chronic disease scandal rolls on.

12. Sapiens Shield

Infections generally show symptoms quickly with covid-19 being an exception. Its engineered two-week delay is a time bomb during which the infection spreads undetected. Chronic illnesses become apparent more slowly. A cancer cell may take ten years to multiply into a cluster large enough to press on a nerve and cause pain. Diabetes is gradual with the person realising that they should change diet and lifestyle until voluntary reversal is too late. The medical establishment’s biochemistry-based health system has failed to diagnose chronic illnesses early because they are not chemical based, they are electrical. The voltage of cells is the key to chronic illness. The voltage falls and the cure requires lifting from 10 mv to 75 mv. That is done within a minute or two with a Cell Sonic treatment and providing the person maintains a positive outlook the voltage remains high. Their mind controls their health.

Diagnosing low voltage cells before a person knows they are affected is the way to cure them. The plan I have devised is called Sapiens Shield. A diagnosis and cure takes twenty minutes. At a rate of three an hour, a population of 8,000 can be checked every six months and must be for the rest of their life. This is a low-cost procedure where no drugs are used and no pain is caused. If the checks detect places needing treatment, they are treated in a few minutes and if the person asks what the problem were they are told it was only a correction and they are healthy. A mark is made in the corner of their card which they take with them to the next room where they meet Granny. Very likely, but not necessarily, this is an older intuitive lady who will listen. She sees from the mark on the card that this person has been stressed.

Their family is causing conflict and the person wants to talk. Granny is not a doctor. She is a friend and in a community of eight thousand she may well be a recognisable character in the community, not someone who holds a grudge or an opinion. A person who sympathises and empathises. As the story unfolds, Granny has an invitation to help the dysfunctional family with their relationships. Sorting things out is not done quickly but it has to be done and will solve more than medical issues. It can stop crime. No one is born a criminal. They become unsocialised by lack of love. Empathy comes from love in the early days and months of life, indeed, before birth. Killers lack empathy, unable to appreciate other people’s feelings. They slaughter without remorse. The only way to block them is to prevent anger in a family. Granny will find these few dysfunctional families and gently arrange changes with advice and support so that they become normal and cannot be a breeding ground for chronic disease and crime. Society has to bear the cost and gain the savings. Enormous funds are already spent on chronic disease with people off work, dying prematurely and suffering whilst the police, prisons, justice system and many churches are useless. The cost of saving a family is nothing compared to the enormous expenditure avoided in years to come.


Cancer and all chronic conditions are symptoms of ignorance and failure in the mind and wider society. The mind controls cell voltage that can be corrected within minutes by Cell Sonic. When a machine is bought, the diagnostics are explained as part of the training which takes a few minutes. Sapiens Shield will stop chronic disease forever. It sells to everyone and is available to governments to save them huge expenditure. The technology of biophysics works has no side effects and has been on the market in various forms before biochemistry bribed its way to power. Now packaged into Cell Sonic, biophysics can work alongside biochemistry to enable a healthy, contented life.


Andrew Hague. Cancer is a Symptom. Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2023.