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Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Gynecologists' attitudes and practises towards contraception at a Tertiary Care Hospital

Associate Professor, Dept. of ObGyn, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Correspondence to Author: K.Neha

Clinical medical care suppliers are a significant connection with the overall population to bestow information with respect to contraception. Nonetheless, their own demeanor and practice of contraception is frequently inadequate.

Objective: This study was directed to evaluate the demeanor furthermore, practice of contraception throughout recent long stretches of the gynecologists themselves in a tertiary consideration emergency clinic in Jaipur.

Materials and techniques: The review was directed on 125 female gynecologists in a tertiary consideration emergency clinic in Jaipur. All were given a poll which was properly filled by them and information got was investigated.

Conclusion: Gynecologists have total information as to, yet neglect to routinely utilize it. Appropriate mentality also, practice is fundamental to forestall accidental pregnancies.

Keywords: Disposition, Practice, Contraception.Instructions to refer to this article: Hemani S, Hooja N, Mital P. Disposition furthermore, Practice of Contraception among Gynecologists at a Tertiary Care Emergency clinic. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2013;5(3):129-131.Wellspring of help: Nothing


India's populace is increasing at a disturbing rate with high maternal mortality and bleakness. Impromptu pregnancies and risky early terminations are significant supporters of these terrible wellbeing records and are themselves direct results of disappointment or nonuse of contraception.1,2 Family arranging, which can be

accomplished through contraception, is one of the mainstays of the safe parenthood drives (SMI) acquainted in 1987 with diminish maternal bleakness and mortality while prophylactic 10.5005/jp-diaries 10006-1244 pervasiveness rate is one of the files for evaluating the accomplishment of general admittance to conceptive wellbeing in the Thousand years Improvement Goals.3,4

Clinical medical services suppliers uncommonly gynecologists are a significant connection with the overall population to grant information with respect to. Other than the information, disposition and customary practice is fundamental for outcome of prophylactic practice.Nonetheless, their own disposition and practice of contraception is frequently lacking.With this goal, this study was directed to evaluate the disposition of gynecologists toward contraception and to assess the prophylactic practices among themselves


Every one of the 125 specialists utilized some type of contraception all through the time of 5 years. 44.8 % of specialists were in the age bunch 20 to 25 years and the mean age was 29.32 years . 53.6% specialists were nulliparous, 20 and 26.4% were para 1 and 2 separately.The commonest contraception utilized was the boundary strategy (38.4%), 41.6% of whom utilized them sometimes. 33% of the 27.2 % oral preventative pills clients were taking them sometimes , the vast majority of whom were postgraduate understudies, living away from their spouses. The Levonorgestrel IUD client was an expert, in the age bunch 35 to 40 years.

Crisis contraception was utilized for the most part by the postgraduate understudies, multiple times during the review time frame by the same token those utilizing normal strategies for contraception or who were incidental clients of OC pills or condoms.

The quantity of accidental pregnancies were thought of as the disappointments. Half of the couples depending on normal strategies considered. Other people who imagined were intermittent clients of either OC pills or condoms (Table 3). Around 82.2% got the accidental pregnancy ended, 14.2% of whom got tubal ligation finished with it.


World Wellbeing Organization5 characterized family Arranging as 'a way of reasoning and living that is embraced willfully, upon the premise of information, mentality and dependable choices by people and couples, to advance the wellbeing and government assistance of family gatherings and consequently contribute successfully to the social improvement of a country'. In our review we have seen that separated from information, a uplifting outlook and practice is additionally fundamental to the extent that contraception is concerned. Since the review was directed on gynecologists, all had total information with respect to contraception. Just 58.3% of the hindrance strategy clients utilized them consistently. We additionally saw that numerous gynecologists utilized regular strategies for contraception. This might be ascribed to the way that they had some awareness of the protected period and that the accomplices of numerous postgraduate specialists were remaining in various urban areas.

Joyce Choi et al6 in their review recommend that half of doctors pushed normal strategies as a technique for contraception.In a concentrate on ladies in regenerative age bunch in Surendranagar area, India, Mitali G Patel et al7 seen as a couple insurance pace of 51%. 25.5% couples were utilizing terminal techniques for contraception. 48.9% couples were not involving a strategy for contraception and this high rate as contrasted with none in our review emphasizes the significance of education in spreading mindfulness about contraception.

In one more concentrate by Choudhary et al8 among qualified couples in country Haryana, India, 95% had information however as it were 59.2% rehearsed any type of contraception. This extension needs to be filled to accomplish our family arranging objectives. A concentrate in Nigeria by Augustine et al,proposed that there was 92.4% mindfulness however just 52.6% couples at any point utilized contraception. Condoms were the greatest utilized (46.7%) and just 13.3% utilized pills. Notwithstanding, larger part of nonusers too planned to involve any preventative strategy in future.

Feeling of dread toward incidental effects, vulnerability about its need,accomplice complaint and past secondary effects were the normal reasons given for reluctance to involve contraception later on. None of these reasons were found in our concentrate as our ladies had legitimate information about contraception. A concentrate by Oriji VK et al10 to evaluate the information, disposition also, practice of crisis contraception (EC) among clinical specialists in Port Harcourt recommended that consciousness of EC was high among the specialists, but information about its utilization was poor. Albeit 98% of them knew about crisis contraception, 58% couldn't distinguish accurately any sort. Oral mifepristone was the most perceived type of EC distinguished by 38% of the specialists. In our review, specialists had information about EC and it was utilized frequently.


Subsequently, we can infer that preventative practices by greater part of couples will work on maternal wellbeing and assist us with accomplishing the Millenium Improvement Objectives. Legitimate information and demeanor is fundamental for this. Gynecologists, even with all the information in regards to contraception neglect to consistently utilize it. Further developed prophylactic practices are fundamental to forestall accidental pregnancies and a more dependable mentality and activity is wanted from the gynecologists.


1. Maternal mortality in 2005. Gauges created by WHO,UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank. Accessible at:www.who.int/whosis/mme-2005. Gotten to 25/6/2011.

2. World Wellbeing Association (WHO) fourth. Geneva: WHO; 2004. Risky early termination. Worldwide and provincial assessments of the rate of risky early termination and related mortality in 2000. Accessible at: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/distributions/2004. Gotten to 25/6/2011.

3. World Bank, WHO, UNFPA. Nairobi: World Bank/World Wellbeing Association/Joined Countries Asset for Populace Exercises; 1987. Forestalling the Awfulness of Maternal Passings: A Report on the Global Safe Parenthood Gathering.

4. Goag 5: Commencement to 2015. Following the thousand years improvement objectives. 2007. Accessible at: http://www.mdgmonitor.org.Gotten to on 28/6/2011


K.Neha . Gynecologists' attitudes and practises towards contraception at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2022.