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Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Cavernous Sinus-Orbital Vein Thrombosis Caused by Thrombophilia and Infection
Ali Jaffry

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Penn State College of Medicine, 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA 17033, USA

Correspondence to Author: Ali Jaffry

We describe a case of cavernous sinus-orbital vein thrombosis and discuss its aetiology, risk factors, and possible treatments. While she was giving birth, the onset was sudden. Her recent sinus infection, history of deep vein thrombosis, and lack of anticoagulation were considered to be the root causes.

Keywords: Ptosis, pregnancy, and thrombosis.


Because the cavernous sinuses and their connections lack valves, infection and thrombi can move in both directions across this network. Both aseptic and septic cavernous sinus thrombosis are possible. Antibiotic or anticoagulant treatment is determined by aetiology.

Case Report:

A 19-year-old female at 41 weeks of growth introduced to Work and Conveyance ward in labor. While in the clinic, she grew left jaw torment related with toothache. This was trailed by powerlessness to open her left eye alongside expanding of the left half of the face and eye. She likewise began griping of shivering sensation over the left half of her face. Inside the following 2 hours, she griped of agony with passed on eye developments and aversion to light. She additionally saw foggy vision out of the left eye. She had been grumbling of stodgy nose a day preceding the beginning of the above side effects. Her previous clinical history was huge for left lower furthest point DVT analyzed during her eleventh seven day stretch of growth. She was begun on low-atomic weight heparin treatment with enoxaparin up until 36th seven day stretch of pregnancy when she was changed to subcutaneous heparin in anticipation of her conveyance. Her last portion of subcutaneous heparin was 12 hours before the beginning of above whines. Her prescriptions notwithstanding the anticoagulants referenced above included iron enhancements. Her family ancestry uncovered that her mom conveyed the analysis of Component V Leiden lack and had been on endless Coumadin treatment. She knew nothing about subtleties that provoked the conclusion for her mom.

Her social history was striking for smoking 1/2 pack each day in the past which she quit half year prior. Her test showed circulatory strain of 131/60, beat of 114 and temperature of 36.5 °C. She was conscious and alert. Her discourse was ordinary. Left conjunctival infusion was noted. There was passed on sided ptosis with a powerlessness to open the eye with periorbital edema. Her visual fields were full. The students were equivalent and responsive. Her extraocular developments were ordinary in the right eye. Nonetheless, she experienced issues with kidnapping of the left eye. Facial sensation was diminished in the V2 and V3 conveyances on the left. Rest of the cranial nerve and tactile test were ordinary. Engine assessment showed typical tone and original capacity all through. Reflexes were 2+ all through. Babinski sign was quiet.

No dysmetria was noted. Labwork showed ordinary complete metabolic board and CBC aside from WBC of 15.36. Her PTT was 29 and INR was 0.99. X-ray cerebrum showed fiery changes in the left circle, ethmoid and maxillary sinus mucosa, addressing sinusitis/orbital cellulitis with prevalent ophthalmic vein apoplexy and early enormous sinus apoplexy. She had mediocre intracranial MRA.No proof of dural venous apoplexy was noted on MRV. She was experimentally begun on vancomycin, cefepime and metronidazole. She was conveyed by means of C-segment because of bombed acceptance and was begun on anticoagulation (heparin dribble) 6 hours after the C-area. Her side effects worked on essentially in the span of 12 hours of beginning the anticoagulation.


The enormous sinuses are dural venous sinuses. The oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerves exist in its horizontal wall, and the abducent nerve and the inside carotid vein exist in its lumen.

Septic enormous sinus apoplexy (CST) depicts a thrombophlebitic interaction influencing the huge sinus that has an infective etiology. This condition is normally brought about by facial contaminations, paranasal sinusitis, otogenic, odontogenic, pharyngeal and far off wellsprings of sepsis. When septic CST creates, accentuation lays on the brief establishment of parental anti-microbials as well as a medical procedure for simultaneous shut space contaminations. Anticoagulation can be utilized securely as an assistant to anti-toxin [1].

The aseptic instances of CST should be visible in weakened patients (marasmic phlebothrombosis) at the limits old enough, with the etiologic elements being iron deficiency, hypercoagulability, drying out, hypotension permitting stagnation of blood, carotid aneurysms, careful treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Likewise, aseptic apoplexy of the back piece of the ophthalmic vein and of the enormous sinus has been portrayed auxiliary to pressure or obstacle by harmful cancers of the skull base or nasopharynx. The expansion in frequency of thromboembolism is likewise upheld by concentrates on that have shown that patients taking estrogens or consolidated oral contraceptives have expanded platelet accumulation, sped up blood coagulating, adjusted blood groupings of some thickening elements, and modified fibrinolytic movement connected with decline in antithrombin III. Pregnancy, puerperium, and oral prophylactic pill have conspicuous relationship with dural sinus apoplexy [2].

The occurrence of cerebrovascular sicknesses during pregnancy or puerperium is 11%. Cerebrovascular illnesses are more continuous in puerperium than during pregnancy, being 1.8:1. The most widely recognized causes are coagulation issues, cardio embolism and eclampsia, though etiology stays dubious in 35% of the cases [3].The acquired thrombophilias are the main source of maternal thromboembolism and are related with an expanded gamble of specific unfriendly pregnancy results including second-and third-trimester fetal misfortune. All patients with a background marked by earlier venous thrombotic occasions and those with these trademark unfriendly pregnancy occasions ought to be assessed for thrombophilias. The most well-known, clinically critical, acquired thrombophilias are heterozygosity for the component V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A changes [4].


1.Bhatia K, Jones NS. Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis secondary to sinusitis: are anticoagulants indicated? A review of the literature. J Laryngol Otol. 2002;116(9):667-676. pubmed doi

2.Lai PF, Cusimano MD. The spectrum of cavernous sinus and orbital venous thrombosis: a case and a review. Skull Base Surg. 1996;6(1):53-59. pubmed doi

3.Pervulov M, Gojnic M, Jovanovic D. Cerebrovascular diseases during pregnancy and puerperium. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2009;22(1):51-58. pubmed doi

4.Lockwood CJ. Inherited thrombophilias in pregnant patients: detection and treatment paradigm. Obstet Gynecol. 2002;99(2):333-341. pubmed doi


Ali Jaffry. Cavernous Sinus-Orbital Vein Thrombosis Caused by Thrombophilia and Infection. Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2022.