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Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology

Burkina Faso's Souro Sanou Teaching Hospital delivered a woman with a scarred uterus (about 531 Cases)
Yaméogo Rélwendé Barnabé

Public Health Department, Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Correspondence to Author: Yaméogo Rélwendé Barnabé

Presentation: Restorative lead for conveyance through a scarred uterus is questionable in current obstetrics. A few creators suggest a ceasarean segment. The motivation behind this study was to dissect the direct and anticipation of conveyance through scarred uterus at Souro Sanou Showing Medical clinic in Bobo-Dioulasso. Strategies: We led a graphic cross-sectional review from January 1 to December 31, 2017. Information were gathered from clinical, birth, and working room records. Result: Altogether, 531 frightened uterus conveyances and 5293 conveyances have been kept in our review; the recurrence of conveyances through a scarred uterus was 9.96%. The typical age of the patients was 28.02 years old, with limits of 17 and 44 years.

Keyphrases:Scarred Uterus, Conveyance, Bobo Dioulasso


The methodology for legitimate helpful direct on account of a scarred uterus is a habitually examined point in current obstetrics. A few creators will generally suggest cesarean segment as a strategy for overseeing conveyance for a patient with a scarred uterus [1]. Different creators prescribe vaginal conveyance to slow the worldwide expansion in the pace of cesarean segments assuming that particular boundaries are noticed [2]. Without a doubt, the pace of cesarean segments in the US rose from 8.8% in 1970 to 21.4% in 2001 [3]. In France, the quantity of cesarean segments has expanded triple over the most recent 30 years, from 6.1% in 1972 to over 20% in 2007. This peculiarity is reflected in the connected expansion in the quantity of patients with a scarred uterus, which presently remains at around 10% [4]. In Africa, the pace of conveyance by means of a scarred uterus differs starting with one city then onto the next. For example, the rate is 5.92% in Bobo-Dioulasso [5] and 8.45% in Niamey [6].

In our specialization, there is no conventional helpful convention for conveyance through a scarred uterus. The motivation behind this study was to assess the direct and visualization of conveyance through a scarred uterus at Souro Sanou Showing Medical clinic in Bobo-Dioulasso.


We directed a cross-sectional spellbinding concentrate in the Branch of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Regenerative Medication of Souro Sanou Showing Emergency clinic in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, from January 1 to December 31, 2017. All patients with a scarred uterus owned up to the division during the review time frame for one or the other work or elective cesarean segment techniques were remembered for the review. Just the scars of past cesarean areas were considered, in this manner barring myomectomy scars and other careful scars on the uterus. Information was gathered from clinical, and conveyance and working room records. The factors studies were the socio-segment qualities, clinical angles, restorative viewpoints, and maternal and fetal guess. The gathered information was placed and examined on a microcomputer utilizing SPSS programming (Rendition 12.0). Microsoft Succeed and Word 2013 were likewise used to finish this review.

Patient Qualities:

In a year, we recorded 5293 conveyances, 531 of which were by means of a scarred uterus, comparing to a recurrence of 9.96%. The typical age of the patients was 28.02 years with limits of 17 and 44 years of age. The 25 - 29 age bunch addressed 31.07% of the complete populace. The typical equality was 2.34, with limits of 1 and 8. Concerning the schooling level of patients, 52.54% had no instruction, 19.58% had an essential level, 16.95% had an optional level, and 10.92% of patients had a college level training.

Uterine Scars:

Patients with single, twofold, triple, or more uterine scars represented 70.62%, 23.54%, and 7.72% of the populace, individually. In our specialty, patients with an intergenesic period (IGP) of 6 - two years represented 12.62% of the populace, while 86.62% of patients had an IGP longer than two years.

Forecast of Work:
Methodical Cesarean Area:

Crisis cesarean segments were performed on 349 patients, addressing 65.73% of all patients with a scarred uterus. Patients with at least two uterine scars from earlier cesarean areas were efficiently given another cesarean segment. The signs for methodical cesarean segment were given in the conveyance room or in the antenatal discussion room, before playing out the part. Among these signs were 98 instances of fetal misery (20.80%), 30 instances of pre-uterine burst (8.59%), 44 instances of commonly restricted pelvis (12.61%), 11 instances of hemorrhagic placenta previa (3.15%), 125 instances of elective cesarean area for those patients with two earlier uterine scars (35.82%), and 41 instances of elective medical procedure for patients with at least three uterine scars.

Uterine Test:

Of the 531 patients with a scarred uterus, an uterine test was shown in 182, which relates to 34.27% of the populace. All had a solitary uterine scar. Ofthe 182 parturient ladies who went through the uterine test, 163 had the option to conceive an offspring vaginally, with a triumph pace of 89.56% contrasted with 10.44% of ladies who bombed the test. The hypothetical circumstances for vaginal conveyance were as per the following: single pregnancy, cephalic show, a shortfall of a physical scar (when the working convention was known), a ultrasound-based assessed fetal load of under 3800 grams, a clinically typical pelvis, a placenta non covering, a shortfall of fetal trouble or some other obstetrical crisis, and the consistent presence of clinical faculty in the work room.

Disappointment of the Uterine Test:

There were 19 instances of ineffective uterine tests, which addressed 10.44% of all tests. This multitude of parturient ladies didn't conceive an offspring vaginally; all went through cesarean area. The reasons for disappointment of the uterine test were overwhelmed by unique dystocia (52%) and intense fetal pain (35%).

Maternal and Fetal Anticipation:

There were no maternal passings; be that as it may, out of a sum of 20 complexities comparing to 3.77% of conveyances by means of a scarred uterus, we noted five instances of parietal incidents of decay for example 2 instances of parietal festerings among the ones who went through cesarean segment and 3 cases among ladies who conceived an offspring vaginally. Four instances of endometritis that advanced well under anti-toxins have been noted among ladies who went through cesarean segment contrasted with 0 case in the people who conceived an offspring vaginally. We tracked down 11 cases (2.07%) of post pregnancy frailty among the ones who went through cesarean segment because of placenta previa compredto 5 cases (0.9%) of post pregnancy sickliness in the people who conceived an offspring vaginally on the scarred uterus oversaw in the division Of the 531 births, 508 were live births, and 23 instances of fetal passings were recorded, addressing 4.33% of all births. Propositions instances of fetal demise were noted exclusively among the ones who went through cesarean area. These faetal passings were made out of four instances of hemorrhagic placenta previa, thirteen instances of fetal pain revived to no end, and six fetal passings of obscure reason.


Throughout the span of this really long period, specialists' perspectives and mentalities about the legitimate strategy for conveyance required for patients with a scarred uterus have changed. Over the course of the century individuals' perspectives toward ladies with ladies with scarred uteruses have developed. A decision should be made between the two limits of making iterative cesarean segments precise and making the level of cesarean segments practically identical to that of secondiparous ladies who convey vaginally [1] [7].

During our review period, 9.96% of patients that conveyed had something like one earlier cesarean scar. This rate is lower than that of past examinations directed by Cissé (1.5%) [3], Tshilombo (2.4%) [8], and Dembélé (4.92%) [5]. The high extent in our review can be ascribed to the way that most of high-risk conveyances are alluded to our office, including conveyances by means of scarred uterus. Ladies with a scarred uterus and an IGP longer than two years represented 86.62% of patients. This rate is higher than those of concentrates by Koulimaya [8] and Nayama [9], who detailed 37.9% and 56.8%, separately.

This is because of various reasons: 1) expanded professional accentuation on family arranging directing and related clinical signs of such preparation; 2) ladies' expanded consciousness of the dangers related with more than one pregnancy inside a two-year time frame; and 3) the expanded accessibility of free contraception in our country throughout recent years Of all patients with a scarred uterus, 65.73% had a methodical cesarean segment and 12.61% had a cesarean area in view of bone dystocia, which is a long-lasting sign of cesarean area. Lieberman's review found a 24% rate for deliberate cesarean segments [10] while B. Mercer's uncovered a 32% rate [11]. The inconstancy of the rates among these investigations is legitimate by the fluctuation of the orderly signs of cesarean segment on scarred uterus. The two most normal signs in the writing for precise cesarean segment on scarred uterus are bone dystocia and breech show [7].

No uterine tests were endeavored in parturient ladies with a few uterine scars. This mentality is the one that appears to have been embraced in past examinations on a similar subject led in West Africa [12] [13].

In our specialty, 34.27% of patients with a scarred uterus went through an uterine test. Every one of the individuals who went through the test had single uterine scars, and 89.56% of them conceived an offspring vaginally. This achievement rate is like that of El Hanchi [14], who encountered a 87.5% achievement rate in his review. In any case, in certain examinations, the method of conveyance had a careful propensity [15], as did our own (65.73%). Mentalities change, however the creators are practically consistent on one point: the vaginal methodology is liked, in any event, for patients with two priors cesarean scars [11] [12] [16]. The nine cases (1.69%) of irresistible entanglements that we detailed are in all probability because of the working circumstances in our office and an absence of anti-microbial treatment in the postoperative period.

In the writing, a few writers report a low death rate for vaginal conveyances by means of scarred uterus, or even its nonappearance, similar to the case in our review [9] [17] [18].


The review has a few constraints connected with the cross-sectional sort, and the degree of missing information because of unfortunate filling of clinical records and patients' register. In any case, the outcomes acquired are fascinating and have been talked about, remarked on,and contrasted with the information of the writing.


Not exactly half (34.27%) of the patients with a solitary uterine scar who came to our specialty for conveyance were permitted to convey vaginally. There was a 89.56% achievement rate in the people who had uterine tests with regards to no convention. In our review, the method of conveyance had a careful propensity; nonetheless, with concentrate on results on this subject, vaginal conveyances are suggested for patients with scarred uterus whenever the situation allows.


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Yaméogo Rélwendé Barnabé. Burkina Faso's Souro Sanou Teaching Hospital delivered a woman with a scarred uterus (about 531 Cases). Insights Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2022.